The Grove is dedicated to developing leaders to be able to minister effectively for the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is done primarily through discipleship relationships- intimate Christian bonds built through doing life together! These ministry endeavors are designed to optimize the mission of the local church by training and multiplying leaders.

In 2024, The Grove is kicking off our Summer Internships program. This internship is designed for young men (1 Timothy 4:12) interested in developing in ministry and being trained under the staff and pastors at The Grove Bible Chapel. They will be trained in various ministries of the church, learning how to lead God’s people and practice pastoral administration within their ministries.
This will provide the opportunity for men to grow in their leadership through training from the pastors at The Grove (1 Timothy 4:6-10), as well as developing bonds with one another as they pursue gospel progress together (Hebrews 10:24).If you are interested in this type of training, talk to Pastor Kurt the next time you see him! He would love to hear about your desire to be trained and help to find the way forward in your training at The Grove.

The welfare of the Church rises and falls on the strength of her men. The Man Event is an intensive training in which the primary goal is the equipping and training (Colossians 1:28-29) of young men for the purpose of multiplying Christ’s glory in disciple-making (2 Timothy 2:1-2). The young men involved will also be trained and encouraged to pursue brotherhood and fraternity.
This teaching presses into Biblical manhood- the relationships of God’s men, the character of God’s men, and the ministries of God’s men (1 Corinthians 16:13-14).If you are interested in participating in something like The Man Event, talk to Pastor Kurt the next time you see him! He would love to hear about your desire to be trained and help to find the way forward in your training at The Grove.

The Forge is a year-long equipping ministry featuring book studies and group training spread over the course of 2 semesters. The purpose of The Forge is to glorify God through equipping men of The Grove to be disciple-makers and leaders who multiply disciple-makers and leaders, that are all prepared to wear the mantle of Christian Leadership (1 Timothy 4:6-8).
If you are interested in participating in something like The Forge, talk to Pastor Kurt the next time you see him! He would love to hear about your desire to be trained and help to find the way forward in your training at The Grove.