If you are a young adult (finished with high-school and not yet married or have children), you are in the most opportunistic season of life to serve the Lord. You have the privilege and capacity to build a foundation for your future and establish God-honoring rhythms of life.
The purpose of this ministry is to help young adults have clarity on the gospel – the saving work of Christ – and to help them be faithful followers of Jesus in all of life. Whether you grew up in the Church or consider yourself a hardcore atheist, we would love for you to join us.
There is an event most Friday nights beginning with dinner, followed by time in the Word, prayer, worship, and fellowship. We meet from 7-10pm at the church. In addition, many of our young adults attend the 11 AM service on Sunday and gather on the left side of the main area (if you are facing the platform). Please see Events or the Church Center application for more details.

Please see Events or the Church Center application for further details. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at grove20’s@thegrovetampa.org.