Bruce & Aimee A. have been serving the Lord in Ukraine since 1992 where Bruce trains and mentors pastors at Grace Bible Seminary and is one of several pastors in his Kyiv Church. His goals are to equip national pastors to to accurately preach the Word and be effective church leaders in Ukraine, and to develop seminary graduates and missionaries who will plant churches and Bible training schools wherever the Lord sends them. Click here to serve them and learn more.

Billy and Jen Nelson have led Africans Reaching Africa (ARA) since 2018. ARA’s vision is to evangelize, disciple, and plant churches among unreached people groups across Northern and Western Africa by mobilizing, equipping, and supporting African believers. ARA’s mission is to mobilize African believers to go as missionaries to unreached people groups in Africa in obedience to the Great Commission. Click here to serve them or learn more.

Jordan & Jenny Standridge are missionaries in Rome, Italy. Over the next few years, they will develop a team, scout an unchurched area in Italy, start a church, and write a variety of Italian resources. Jordan would love to be involved in training Italian church leaders in evangelism, preaching, and theology. To learn more or donate to the Standridge’s click here.

M&R are missionaries in Southeast Asia that long to proclaim Christ among an unreached language group with the aim of planting churches, translating God’s Word into the native tongue, and raising up mature disciples who will lead and plant other indigenous churches. As they go out, their hope is anchored in the sufficiency of God’s Word, the assurance of His presence, and the promise that Christ will build His church. Click here to serve them or learn more.