Story of Samuel’s Growth
A) The Silence of God v. 1-3
1) Samuel’s growth
2) Description of a man that hears from God
3) Samuel “knowing” God
Story Call of Samuel
B) The Famine in the Land v. 4-9
1) A Famine of God’s Word Amos 8:11, 12
2) Your Personal God who Speaks and Listens
3) How God speaks
4) Warnings about looking to hear God apart from the Bible
a) Seeking after a sign Matt. 16:7
c) Subjective interpretation Prov. 30:5
b) Cravings after more than what is given Prov. 30:6
5) Blessings of knowing the Bible’s sufficiency
a) Sufficiency 2 Pet. 1:3
b) Infallibility 2 Pet. 1:19
c) Authority 2 Tim. 3:16
6) Year of the BOOK
Story Prophecy from Samuel
C) Preaching today v. 10-21
1) Tingling or Tickling Ears?
2) Preaching that is tender and tough
3) Is God calling you?
The Call of Samuel
Books: 1 Samuel
Speakers: Kurt Gebhards