
The Gospel Resources

What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel? (Greg Gilbert)

A discussion guide for “What is the Gospel?”

Before you meet with someone for this, please read the instructions in the PDF below, Read the book “What is the Gospel.” Write down answers to the discussion questions to have fruitful conversations with someone else.

The Gospel of Mark

Bible Reading Plan ( David Helms )

A discussion guide for “Eight weeks through Mark’s Gospel”

Before you meet with someone for this, please read the book of Mark. Read the discussion questions (Below). Write down answers to the discussion questions to have fruitful conversations with someone else.

Starting Gospel Conversations

A tool for Evangelism

Read and consider these principles and questions when starting a Gospel conversation. The truth is that starting a Gospel conversation is intimidating and tough. This worksheet has been written up by the elders of the Grove to offer practical help so that you may have more Gospel conversations. We pray that these lead to many Gospel opportunities.

Starting Gospel Conversations

A tool for Evangelism

Read and consider these principles and questions when sharing the Gospel. Though this may be intimidating, this is a command from scriptures. This worksheet has been written up by the elders of the Grove to offer practical help so that you may have more Gospel conversations. We pray that these lead to many Gospel opportunities.